Pentosan Polysulfate

Pentosan Polysulfate

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Pentosan polysulfate is a semi-synthetic polysulfated xylan used for the relief of Osteoarthritis. It provides stimulation of cartilage matrix synthesis and prevention of cartilage breakdown. There are also systemic effects on blood lipid and fibrinolysis that may help clear the subchondral circulation. We offer a nasal spray or subcutaneous injections of this medication.

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Pentosan polysulfate is a semi-synthetic polysulfated xylan used for the relief of Osteoarthritis. The mechanism of PPS action in osteoarthritis is stimulation of cartilage matrix synthesis and prevention of cartilage breakdown. There are also systemic effects on blood lipid and fibrinolysis that may help clear the subchondral circulation. This is a subcutaneous injection self-administered twice a week for 6 weeks. Most patients have relief from symptoms within 1-2 weeks and may achieve full remission of symptoms in 2-6 months. The nasal spray is used once your symptoms have been in remission to prevent a relapse of inflammation and pain.


  • Pentosan Polysulfate 40mg Capsules #30
  • Pentosan Polysulfate Sodium 250mg/ml 5ml Vial (2mg/kg twice a week x 6 weeks)
  • 2 – Vials of 250mg/ml 5ml
  • A virtual appointment is required before this product can be shipped. Please call if you have questions.

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Nasal Spray, 5ml Vial for Injection, 2 – 5ml Vials for Injection, Capsules


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