PT-141 (Bremelanotide)


PT-141 (Bremelanotide)

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PT-141 (Bremelanotide) is a synthetic peptide that comes in nasal sprays, troches, capsules, and injections for erectile dysfunction in men and HSDD (hypoactive sexual desire disorder) in women.

  • How does PT-141 work? – PT-141 works in your brain to increase sexual desire and arousal.
  • What is the dose of PT-141? – PT 141 is dosed 1-2 times per week for patients to increase libido.
  • How do you take PT-141?- PT-141 comes in nasal spray, injection, troches, and capsules. Subcutaneous injection is the most effective route for men and women.

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PT-141 (Bremelanotide) is a synthetic peptide developed from Melanotan 2 (MT-II). PT-141 is used for the treatment of erectile dysfunction or impotence in men and HSDD (hypoactive sexual desire disorder) in women. PT 141 Nasal spray offers a convenient way to treat erectile dysfunction and hypoactive sexual desire without needles or pills. PT-141 affects sexual arousal, aiding enhanced libido levels and penile erections. PT-141 does not target the vascular system. Instead, it acts on the nervous system via the activation of neurons in the hypothalamus to increase sexual desire. In other words, it tells your brain to get your engine going instead of sending blood flow downstairs.


  • PT-141 10mg/ml (3ml vial) 
    • Instructions: 0.1ml SQ injection 30 minutes to 6 hours before sexual activity for males (0.2ml for females) 
  • PT 141 (10mg/mL) (Nasal Spray) 7.5mL
  • PT 141 (5mg/mL) (Nasal Spray) 7.5mL
  • PT 141 (10mg/mL) + Gonadorelin (100mg) (Nasal Spray) 7.5mL
  • PT 141 (10mg/mL) + Gonadorelin (100mg) (Nasal Spray) 15mL
  • PT-141  (5mg/mL) + Tadalafil (20mg/mL (Nasal Spray) 3.75mL
  • PT-141  (5mg/mL) + Tadalafil (20mg/mL) (Nasal Spray) 7.5mL
  • PT-141  (5mg/mL) + Tadalafil (20mg/mL) + Oxytocin (100IU/mL) (Nasal Spray) 3.75mL
  • PT-141  (5mg/mL) + Tadalafil (20mg/mL) + Oxytocin (100IU/mL) (Nasal Spray) 7.5mL
  • PT-141  2mg + Tadalafil 20mg + Oxytocin 100IU Troche – 12 Troches
  • PT-141  1mg + Oxytocin 100IU Troche – 12 Troches
  • PT 141 Troche 2mg – 12 Troches
  • PT 141 Troche 4mg – 12 Troches
  • Apomorphine 2mg/Oxytocin 25IU/ PT-141 1mg /Tadalafil 30mg – 12 Capsules

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10mg/ml 3mL Vial Injection, PT 141 (10mg/mL) (Nasal Spray) 7.5mL , PT 141 (5mg/mL) (Nasal Spray) 7.5mL , PT-141  (5mg/mL) + Tadalafil (20mg/mL (Nasal Spray) 3.75mL , PT-141  (5mg/mL) + Tadalafil (20mg/mL) (Nasal Spray) 7.5mL , PT-141  (5mg/mL) + Tadalafil (20mg/mL) + Oxytocin (100IU/mL) (Nasal Spray) 3.75mL , PT-141  (5mg/mL) + Tadalafil (20mg/mL) + Oxytocin (100IU/mL) (Nasal Spray) 7.5mL , PT 141 Troche 2mg #12 , PT 141 Troche 4mg #12, Apomorphine/Oxytocin/PT-141/Tadalafil Capsules, PT-141  2mg + Tadalafil 20mg + Oxytocin 100IU Troche, PT 141 (10mg/mL) + Gonadorelin (100mg) (Nasal Spray) 7.5mL, PT 141 (10mg/mL) + Gonadorelin (100mg) (Nasal Spray) 15mL, PT-141  1mg + Oxytocin 100IU Troche #12


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