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Apomorphine treats erectile dysfunction by sending the signals down to your 🍆 to get hard. This works well for patients who have performance anxiety. It triggers the erection cascade, and it dissolves rapidly and results in an erection in responders in approximately 20 min. Apomorphine comes as a 2mg Troche #30.

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Apomorphine treats erectile dysfunction by sending the signals down to your 🍆 to get hard. This works well for patients who have performance anxiety. Apomorphine is a dopaminergic agonist with an affinity for dopamine receptor sites, mostly D(2), within the brain known to be involved in sexual function.  It dissolves rapidly and results in an erection in responders in approximately 20 min.

We also offer medications for injection therapy are Trimix, Bimix, and Quadmix. Most men begin injection therapy with Trimix, which is a mixture of 3 ingredients: alprostadil, phentolamine, and papaverine. These ingredients work by relaxing the smooth muscle and opening the blood vessels in your penis, causing an erection. Other options include, Tadalafil is a proven ED medication and its effects are cumulative and improve with daily use. It’s effective for both male and females. Bremelanotide PT 141 is a very exciting drug which is frequently used by both men and women. It works on the central nervous system to directly induce an increase in libido and induce erections. It works in 80% of men who don’t respond to PDE5 inhibitors and most will now use it as a first line therapy. It is FDA approved for women and is known to increase sexual gratifying experiences by 50%.


  • 2mg Troche #30

Ready to get rolling with Apomorphine? Give us a call or simply fill out the contact form with the formulation that works best for you! Next, we setup a quick telehealth call (15min) and ensure you understand the peptide(s) you are ordering. Finally, we collect payment and ship directly to you, including all supplies. If you are interested in regular peptides, check out or peptide club! This includes a 20% discount on all peptides, expedited shipping, and a monthly 30 min telehealth visit. We also offer a peptide club with labs 3 times a year if you are in the Denver metro area.


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