STD Testing and Treatment

STD Testing and Treatment

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STI or STD Testing and Treatment in Denver. Most STDs have no signs or symptoms. You or your partner could be infected and not know it. The only way to know your STD status is to get tested. Get tested and treated for STIs with same-day or next-day service. Are you familiar with expedited partner treatment? If your partner tested positive we can treat you immediately, let us know. Please call 720-541-9570 to ensure that we can see you today before purchasing.

We require a $75.00 credit card hold for all STI in-home services.

Need help after hours? 8pm to 8am after-hours fee is $50

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STD Testing and Treatment in Denver. Get tested and treated for STIs with same-day or next-day service. Are you familiar with expedited partner treatment? If your partner tested positive we can treat you immediately, let us know. Please call 720-541-9570 to ensure that we can see you today before purchasing. We chat with you over the phone and obtain all the necessary information and the provider comes to your location for STI testing and treatment, based on your needs. Treatment may include Intramuscular Antibiotics and or Oral Antibiotics. Interested in PrEP? We can help with discounts on meds and LGBTQ friendly providers that understand your needs.

Please call 720-541-9570 for STD Testing and Treatment in Denver

STD Testing and Treatment in Denver Testing Panels:

  • HIV/Syphilis – Includes blood draw for HIV and Syphilis
    • Treatment is for syphilis only and is reported to the state per Colorado law.
  • Standard Testing – HIV/Syphilis and Urine Gonorrhea/Chlamydia
    • Treatment includes Ceftriaxone IM injection and or oral medications.
  • Full Testing – Gonorrhea/Chlamydia Urine, Rectal and Throat Testing
    • Treatment includes Ceftriaxone IM injection and or oral medications.
  • Complete STI Includes: HIV, Syphilis, and Gonorrhea/Chlamydia Urine/RectalThroat
    • Treatment includes Ceftriaxone IM injection and or oral medications.
    • Treatment for syphilis includes oral medications and is reported to the state per Colorado law.
  • Herpes Testing – HSV-1 and HSV-2 Testing
    • Treatment includes oral medications.
  • Hepatitis Testing – Complete hepatitis panel

We require a $75.00 credit card hold for all STI in-home services. Need help after hours? 8pm to 8am after-hours fee is $50

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HIV/Syphilis, Standard Testing, Full Testing, Complete STI, Herpes Testing, Hepatitis Testing


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